Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Minimum Wage Debate Essay

Poverty a problem the world has been faced with since things had value. People who live in poverty have families to feed and they have to work to feed them. As of October 2012 the minimum wage is 7.25$ an hour. That amount may have worked 3 Â ½ years ago when we implemented the new minimum wage but it doesn’t cut it anymore for the following 2 points. 1. Prices have been continuously getting higher. 2. Money is becoming worth less. Moving on to my first point prices are continuously getting higher. The average gas price for unleaded fuel in Virginia on July 7 2009 was 2.61$, a pound of bacon in July 2009 cost between 2/3$ and since then it has doubled in prices and now costs 5/6$. A kilowatt hour on average cost now cost 1.67 in July 2009 they cost almost .40$ less a 1.23$. These are only a few examples of the huge increase of prices on everything. People who were making the same amount of money 3 Â ½ years ago are making that same amount of money and can only afford around half of what they used to. A report from shows that the huge increase in prices has led to a huge increase of people who are now classified as living in poverty. We need to increase the amount we pay these workers so that not only can we help balance the economy, but so we can help people get back on their feet. Moving on to my second point. Money is continuously becoming worth less. As of July 7, 2009 when he most recent minimum wage law was passed money has become worthless. According to money in the last 3 Â ½ years as become worth 5% less than its original value; meaning that when they made minimum wage 7.25$ now it is really only worth 2009’s equivalent of 6.88$. Though .37$ doesn’t seem like a lot once you add it up it can make all the difference, and for families who live paycheck to paycheck this can become a huge devastation. People always deserve to pay for what there government does. Though they are the ones that vote the politics into office it is the politician’s responsibility to make a better America. Poverty is like punishment for a crime you didn’t commit. ~Eli Khamarov, Lives of the Cognoscenti For these reasons Prices have been continuously getting higher, Money is becoming worth less. I urge you to pass tis bill.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

PLato and Education Essay

Plato was the earliest most important Greek Philosopher and educational thinker. Plato thinks education as a key for a society and he stress on education, for this purpose he want to go to the extreme level even removing children from their mothers and rise them by the state, he want to identify the skills of the children and give them proper education for that particular skill which they have so they could be become a suitable member of the society and fulfil their duty in society. Plato want to a search for intelligent and gifted children in the whole society, Plato’s don’t belief that talent belong to a limited class therefore he stress on education for all so the talented children get the chance to shine. Plato contributed a lot in the form of ideas and it inspired his follower to find new ways for education and training of the children. In fact Plato himself did not contribute directly to science and mathematics but he stress on these subjects, his philosophy of education influenced the developments of these subjects in centuries to come. In the philosophy of Plato we can see some signs of the philosophy of Socrates; However Plato covered the major aspects of philosophy discussed today. Plato was born in an upper class family in Athens; he was interested in political career, but after the death of his teacher Socrates Plato pursues his teacher philosophy. For the purpose of education Plato travel to Egypt and Italy, there he learnt mathematics. After returning home he established an Academy, to teach moral values to the elite youth of Athens to make them better leaders of the society. Plato shows his ability of writing in different fields; ethics, music, drama, poetry, metaphysics, dance, architecture which are the ideal forms of Government. Contribution of Plato in scientific subject is little but his ideas on education inspired his followers to explore new dimension in education. Plato writes in his book â€Å"Let us describe the education of our men. What then is the education to be? Perhaps we could hardly find a better than that which the experience of the past has already discovered, which consists, I believe, in gymnastic, for the body, and music for the mind. † Plato not only consider better education for men but also believe on strong body and sound mind, for body he recommend sports and for sound mind music. Plato †No man should bring children into the world, who is unwilling to persevere to the end in their nature and education. † EDUCATIONAL THEORIES OF PLATO Education for All Plato want every boy and girl educated to it limit. State Education Education should be provided by the state not by parents. Organization and Curriculum. Plato curriculum was consist of gymnastic and music, where in gymnastic include physical training and music used in broad term for dram, history, oratory and music in real term, he define different stages for the organization and curriculum; 1. Elementary School Co-education at elementary level and teach them mathematics, poetry, music and literature till the age of eighteen years. 2. Military Training After elementary education two years of Physical education should be given to them and select best of them for higher education; to prepare for the future guardians of the state. 3. Higher Education Higher education should be given from twenty to thirty-five years of age, he well study the subjects at this stage mathematics, literature and philosophy. Later on he would be opponent at a minor administrative position to get experience for the future more important governing positions. â€Å"The object of education is to turn the eye which the soul already possesses to the light. The whole function of education is not to put knowledge into the soul, but to bring out the best things that are latent in the soul, and to do so by directing it to the right objects. The problem of education, then, is to give it the right surrounding. † -(Plato’s Republic, Book vii, 518) Nothing was more important to Plato in human life as education. He considers education the greatest thing in human life as he mention in his book â€Å"the one great thing†. Plato’s Theory of education was an indispensable necessity for mankind. It was a positive remedy for the problems and operation of justice in an ideal state. Women Education Plato also emphases on women education, he consider the same kind of education for women. Women should the same physical and educational training; they should know the art of war. The main aim of Plato was that each member of the society should undertake his work and responsibilities. Plato believed that women are equal to men and that, although some women are physically smaller or weak, some women are physically equal to men therefore those women who are physically strong should be allowed to learn the same skills that men do. In his book Republic Plato describes how male and female receive the same education and be given the same duties in society as given to the male member. These people are the ones who will be in charge his republic which would be an ideal society, where philosophers are kings. In other words, who know what is good for the people and for the mankind and take their decisions based on that knowledge. Teaching Methods Plato recommended play method at elementary level; student should learn by doing. And when he reached the higher level of education, his reason would be trained in the processes of thinking and abstracting. Plato wants motivation and interest in learning. He is against the use of force in education. â€Å"Knowledge which is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind. † In another place he writes â€Å"Do not then train youths by force and harshness, but direct them to it by what amuses their minds so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each. † – Plato Plato writes in his Republic â€Å"Bodily exercise, when compulsory, does no harm to the body; but knowledge which is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind† Plato â€Å"The most effective kind of education is that a child should play amongst lovely things. † Plato wants a place where children love to go and stay there and they play with things which enhance their education by playing. Plato gives importance to nursery education, he thinks nursery education plays a vital role in the education of man, it help to build his moral character and state of mind â€Å"The most important part of education is proper training in the nursery. † –plato Plato think It will be hard to discover a better [method of education] than that which the experience of so many ages has already discovered, and this may be summed up as consisting in gymnastics for the body, and _music_ for the soul†¦ For this reason is a musical education so essential; since it causes Rhythm and Harmony to penetrate most intimately into the soul, taking the strongest hold upon it, filling it with _beauty_ and making the man _beautiful-minded_. The above quotation of Plato show, how he sees education, he wants the total development of a man, mind body and soul by using every possible mean. That why in another place Plato writes; â€Å"But then, if I am right, certain professors of education must be wrong when they say that they can put a knowledge into the soul which was not there before, like sight into blind eyes. They undoubtedly say this, he replied. Whereas, our argument shows that the power and capacity of learning exists in the soul already; and that just as the eye was unable to turn from darkness to light without the whole body, so too the instrument of knowledge can only by the movement of the whole soul be turned from the world of becoming into that of being, and learn by degrees to endure the sight of being, and of the brightest and best of being, or in other words, of the good. † -Plato’s Allegory of the Cave & Exploring Plato’s Plato Aims of Education* To develop leader among the future rulers. * To develop hard and competent workers. * To produce leaders with military skill among the warriors. * To produce future Civil Servants of the state. The highest goal of education, Plato believed, is the knowledge of Good; to nurture a man to a better human being it is not merely an awareness of particular benefits and pleasures, Stages of Education Plato describes different stages of education in his republic. According to Plato the education of child should be start at the age of seven year and before this stage the child should stay with their mother or elders and learn moral education from them. After the age of six years both girls and boys should be separated and boys should play with boys and girls with girls and they should be taught the use of different arms to both sexes. This stage goes up to the age of seventeen years. During these years they should teach them music and early education. After the age of seventeen years the youth should be brought to battle filed to learn real life experiences. The four stages start at the age of twenty five to thirty years and in this age they get the training of Mathematical calculation and last for another ten years, after the completion the selected one’s are admitted in the study of dialect. During fifth stage they study dialect for another five years and after that, at the sixth stage one is ready to become a ruler and philosopher and the one enter in practical life. Plato’s View on Moral Ethics Ethics is the most important branch of philosophy. Plato especially gives attention to the moral and ethical education of the men, later on Plato gradually widened the scope of his investigations by reflecting not only on the social and political conditions of morality, but also on the logical and metaphysical presuppositions of a successful moral theory. Plato presents his ideas for an ideal society in his Republic and he provided detail about the curriculum and system of education. According to Plato the ideal society who cares for their youth and the guardian would be responsible for the moral education of their children. Every person would know his duty and his responsibility. Bibliography Annas, J. (1993). The Morality of Happiness. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Franck, Matthew. (n. d). â€Å"Aldous Huxley’s City in Speech: Brave New World and the Republic of Plato† Paper presented at the annual meeting of the The Midwest Political Science Association, Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, Illinois, A Kahn, C. (1996). Plato and the Socratic Dialogue. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Numan, M. (2003). Foundation of education. Peshawar: Umair composing center. Posted by Sultan Muhammad at 9:39.

Monday, July 29, 2019

EDMA 610 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

EDMA 610 - Assignment Example Job design is how a job is organized. It contains the duties and responsibilities of the job, the way the job should be done and the relation of the holder to colleagues. The differences between job analysis and job deign is that whereas job analysis involves an investigation, job design involves already established properties of the job. 1. Ranking method of job evaluation is a simple arranged in order of their merit or value to the organization. Jobs are ranked according to the relative difficulty in performing them. The jobs at the top have the highest value and the bottom has the lowest value. It is subjective in nature cannot be used in large organizations. 2. Factor comparison method of job evaluation is a complex method. It systematic and scientific processes. The job is analyzed according to factors, for example skill involved in the job, mental and physical requirements, working conditions among others. After which key jobs are selected. Key jobs are those jobs whose wage rate the management considers as correct. Other job wages are fixed putting the key job factors into consideration. It is a consistent method. 3. Point method of job evaluation begins with the breakdown of jobs into key factors. Points are assigned to each factor in order of importance of the duties and responsibilities involved in the job. Totals of the points are made. Jobs with similar point totals are placed in the same pay grades. 4. Classification method of job evaluation places jobs according to classes. The classes are according to the skills and training involved in the job. Classes start from class one made of managerial positions, the last class being the unskilled. It is less subjective method and is easy to understand. A good working condition is one that provides comfort to the employees so as to do their best. There are certain practices a company should adopt to make the work

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Analysis of the Public Policy Process of the United States Governance Essay

Analysis of the Public Policy Process of the United States Governance System - Essay Example lex for countries to make and implement foreign policy since increased globalisation has made the distinction between domestic and foreign policy rather blurred (Russell, 2000). What is more, in current times, even domestic decisions by cross-border and global effects. A good illustration of this assertion is the 2008 global financial crisis in which local decisions by states affected the wider globe. Nonetheless, it is still of great importance to learn and understand how each country makes its foreign policy and to appreciate how democratic these processes are. In the United States, the Constitution is the foundation of the foreign policy, especially, the making and the implementation of these policies. However, since historical times, foreign policy and constitutional experts have felt that the constitution has been a source of intrigues and struggles between the executive and the Congress with regards to the making of foreign policy in the U.S. Comparatively, the US has been found to apply a rather cumbersome process in making its foreign policy compared to those of other democracies such as Europe states. Although the provisions and safeguards entrenched in the US Constitutions are well intentioned and offer checks to tyrannical tendencies, they have often been the causes of struggles and tension between the executive and the legislature (Russell, 2000). Thus, these safeguards have made it rather difficult to formulate and implement foreign policy besides creating uncertainty on what the policies actually are. Consequent to this lack of clarity, foreign governments and interest groups have exploitatively pressured the US’s foreign policy for own benefits. Due to the roles of the executive and the legislature in foreign policy formulation and implementation, it becomes rather difficult to recognise and discern the main actors of foreign policy in the U.S (Russell, 2000). In the US, just like in most other countries, the three arms of the government; the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

A study of the financial sector in Saudi Arabia differentiating Essay

A study of the financial sector in Saudi Arabia differentiating between conventional loans & Murabaha financing - Essay Example Further, the section will also discuss about the basic aims and objectives of the paper. The next section of the paper will be of the theoretical perspective in which the actual meaning of the conventional financing and Murabaha financing according to theories will be discussed. In the next chapter, an intensive review of various literary sources will be presented through which different aspects about Murabaha financing and current market scenario of Saudi Arabia will be presented. The next chapter will discuss the methodology being used for the research. Further, in the next section, analysis of the information gathered in the previous section will be presented. The next section of the paper will present several recommendations about the topic on the basis of the research. At last, the paper will conclude in the last section, i.e. conclusion. Table of content Chapter 1: Introduction...................................................................................................... ... 4 1.1 Aims and Objectives of the research.................................................................. 4 1.2 Research Questions ........................................................................................... 6 Chapter 2: Theoretical perspective ....................................................................................... ... ............................................................................................... 14 Chapter 4: Methodology  and Research design.......................................................................18 4.1 Library Research Method for Data Collection ....................................................22 4.2 Case study analysis methods ...............................................................................24 4.3 limitations of the research and research design .................................................. 25 Chapter 5 Findings and analysis.............................................................................................28 5.1 Findings from literature review .......................................................................... 28 5.2 Findings from case study .................................................................................... 35 Chapter 6: Recommendations ........................................................................ ...................... 44 Chapter 7: Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 45 Chapter 8: References ............................................................................................................47 Chapter: 9 Appendix ............................................................................................................. 51 1. Introduction Finance is one of the most important aspects of business activities of each and every country. Simply, finance stands for the allocation as well as management of available resources. It also includes the process of acquisition or investing activities of a firm. Basically finance is considered as blood of the organization which is

Contract Renewal and Non-Renewal Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Contract Renewal and Non-Renewal - Case Study Example In this case, the principal is equally responsible for doing his job that includes making a review on the success of the three contacts in place and come up with necessary recommendations. In reviewing domain 1, there is active and successful student participation and thus no reason for nonrenewal. However, the lack of evidence of improvement challenges the expectation for better performance. Since ethical violations and incompetence comes before the poor performance in deciding whether to renew a contract under TEA, I will recommend the board to vote on this contract to decide whether to renew it or not for the next school year. In reviewing domain 2, there is the adequate delivery of instruction as recommended by the TEA and subsequent level of improvement is present. I will, therefore, recommend for the renewal of this contract for the next school year with a hope that more improvement will follow. In reviewing domain 3, I find that adequate competence is in place as shown in prof essional development that results in moderate improvement. As a result, I would recommend for the renewal of the contract for the next school year as their no reason for nonrenewal. Indeed, domain 3 satisfies the terms and expectations of the TEA.

Friday, July 26, 2019

How are overbearing sports parents harmful to children Coursework

How are overbearing sports parents harmful to children - Coursework Example This research will begin with the statement that sports play an instrumental role in the development of a child. They are not only critical for physical growth, but sports are also important for the psycho-social development of a child. Therefore, all the children who are of school going age i.e. 5 to 16 years of age are encouraged to participate in physical activities like sports, aerobics and even dancing. The involvement of children in different forms of physical training helps them in gaining confidence, it optimizes their muscular and skeletal growth, and it also helps them in winning friends. The types of sports or physical activities may vary across cultures, however, it is universally accepted that children must be encouraged to participate in sports actively alongside their education. The reason behind encouraging young minds to involve in sports is to teach them the skill of balancing life and work. Children who abstain themselves from sports are often find complaining in t he later life about isolation and other associated psychological issues like depression, anxiety and frustration. It has been proved medically, sports during adolescence and early years of adulthood helps individuals in fighting frustration and depression, which is very common among young people these days. Sports activate serotonin release and uptake, which circumcises the accumulation of testosterone, a hormone released in state of stress and anxiety, and it is a cause biochemical cause of aggression among youth.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Qualitative Research Problem and Design-Terence Essay

Qualitative Research Problem and Design-Terence - Essay Example current practical criminology and the particular crime perspective that was created within this research practice (Neuman & Wiegand, 2011).  It is also vital to state that a number of sociological learning on deviance that was focused on the future of a particular perspective of social science on deviance and crime had a qualitative method. However, this term was not well-known during the early twentieth century and there was also no apparent difference between quantitative and quality methods. During the 1940s, when the statistical processes and methods of survey progressed, the ethnographic custom of Chicago school established its place in the social research background and this also included criminology. The qualitative methods used in criminology were driven to the background by the reality that criminology was dominant by jurisprudence, at least in Germany (Schmalleger, 2012).  This started to change during the 1960s in the United States and during the 1970s in Germany. It is during this period that the labeling approach attempted to initiate a new model in social study on deviance. For both of the themes, a qualitative research method was suitable. If crime is considered to be achieved by actions of the organizations of social control, then crime must be analyzed to know its real meaning, an the most appropriet design to this is by use of qualitative research. Crime constitutes the aspects of situations that involve negotiations among various parties that may include the judge, the police, the witness, the victim and the offender (Noaks & Wincup, 2014). Therefore, the aspects of crime can only be inquired through the execution of qualitative methods. The labeling strategy concentrates on how crime is produced by rebuilding the scheduled performances of the foundation of social control and by rebuilding the inherent practices of the organizations of social control and also by rebuilding the inherent standards that produce those practices. This viewpoint on

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Research the historical events and circumstances leading up to and Essay

Research the historical events and circumstances leading up to and involving the creation of the Film Production Code - Essay Example Free speech did not extend to film making industry and motion pictures. The industry was concerned over pointed profanity, suggestive or licentious nudity, inference of sex perversion, illegal trafficking of drugs, white slavery, sex hygiene and venereal diseases, scenes of actual childbirth and ridicule of the clergy. One of the films that were produced in the pre-Code period that accelerated the need for the code was the Sign of the Cross. In addition to being profane, proponents of the code believed that the Film Production Code would do away with evident scenes of nudity that made direct inference to sex and ridiculed the clergy (Dixon et. al., 2008). The code was abandoned since it outgrew its importance as TV technology encroached. Movies were faced with serious competitive threats. With televisions, Americans did not have to leave the comfort of their homes to watch moving pictures. Hollywood decided to offer something that could not get on TV broadcasts, and this was under more restrictive censorship code; Motion Picture Association of America. Thus Film Production Code was abandoned (Gilbert,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Reading Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reading - Assignment Example The article notes that although, there are some negative impacts that are associated with the use of the internet, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. The author precisely means that the internet makes people smarter. However, he notes that it do not necessarily make individuals smarter at all times (Whitney, 2010). The author makes use of an inductive argument and makes use of facts to convince the audience. These arguments are effective and convincing to the audience. I agree with the arguments expressed in the article since they are based on facts. His research is also based on those expressed by experts in different fields. The author’s major argument is based on the claim that the internet makes people smarter. Her sole purpose is to persuade and the arguments are based on opinions. The sources used in the article are reliable since most experts agree on one thing. The tone of the article is persuasive. There are no biases on the author’s side. Logos appeals are employed to evoke thinking. Not all important angles were covered as no statistics were provided to support the claim. This is also the weakness in the reasoning presented. I agree with the author because the internet has resulted to easy and quick access of all sorts of information. The ideas connected with mine based on the few setbacks that are linked with the internet. The article is titled â€Å"Critical Thinking Crucial in the Information Age† and was written by Massimo Pigliucci. The article stated that critical thinking is not given the significance it deserves in the modern world. This is supported by the arguments made by Socrates on knowledge (Pigliucci. 2011). The article states that knowledge and ignorance are both the major causes of evil. The author states that ignorance is the major cause of evil in the major cause of evil in the modern times. The article expresses that it is difficult for human beings to prove

Monday, July 22, 2019

Ryan Air Writeup Essay Example for Free

Ryan Air Writeup Essay To make money at that fare I would expect that they have a distinctive cost advantage over the current operators, say British Airways and Aer Lingus. Being a small operator I would expect some efficiencies and reduced costs that the other two airlines cannot realize. I would expect Ryan Air to lease its plane as opposed to buying it (as they only have one route, no scale efficiencies from owning their fleet can be realized) that would nullify their depreciation expense and other aircraft costs and their selling effort would be less (only one route). Initially, any expense derived from the fleet size would be less as well (as the 44-seater doesn’t need as much space in the hangars nor intensive usage of the runways as it is a fast take off/take down plane). However, for this case i have decided to leave them equal if they are variable costs. Finally, if they manage to increase the utilization rate of its aircraft with relation of British Airways and Aer Lingus, the per-person fixed costs would be less, about a 40% less (increase in utilization from 60% to almost 100%). Some estimation about Ryan Air’s cost breakdown that would ensure a profit can be found in the table above.

Marketing Samsung Essay Example for Free

Marketing Samsung Essay The transformation from a low end to a world class company, Samsung has grown with an electrifying portfolio. ’Next is what’ tag line for all the Samsung mobiles defies its competitors,making them strive more to compete. The underpinning business orientation aids the company to play the market race easily. The coordination between the products and sales is balanced and composed that the net sales mend at a high speed. Samsung targets to capitalize profitability by ensuing an effective marketing mix. A healthy competition is always considered to be one of the most attractive driving sources to triumph. Samsung faces several industrial aspirants, but is significantly distinguished with its marketing management tasks. The company follows a core strategy to keep glowing in the sprint. Superior performance through differentiation providing consumer value, managing lowest deliver cost acts as the imperative competitive advantages. ? The direct competitor targets for Samsung are, Put the companies name like iphone, nokia†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ all its important competitors logo Samsung has a strong infrastructure with all the necessary requirements, producing wide range of well recognized products globally. The company puts its higher investment on RD, thereby building technologically driven niche products. It establishes a brand value , providing greater yields than its competitors. The fast changing company entices young brains by providing fascinating pay, bonuses and incentives as a token of recognition. Samsung has large resources as a powerful work force, who are given full freedom to explore and innovate advancement in technologies and development. The business targets the specific market and creates a revolution, with its high margin products all over the world. With joint investments, the business is customer and market oriented. The brand power creates value chain that integrates competencies of all areas.Samsung positions itself as the digital technology leader, contends with other leading companies by appointing Olympic gold medalist Abinav Bindra and Actor Aamir khan, as its brand ambassador for it consumer electronics business and mobile phones respectively. Samsung meets every challenge, with high investment, with expertise in technology and marketing. Internally, Samsung maintains its own controlled strategy to stay competitive.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Analyse Different Chilli Peppers Biology Essay

Analyse Different Chilli Peppers Biology Essay The purpose of this project was to analyse different chilli peppers and hot sauces for their Capsaicin and Dihydrocapsaicin content but concentration was focused more on the analysis of different chillies than sauces. Samples of chillies were refluxed using Ethanol as an extraction solvent and sauces were untrasonicated using Methanol. The extracts were filtered and analysed via Reverse phase HPLC-UV Vis technique. A number of experiments were performed to optimise the method that has been previously used for analysis of chilli peppers. The first experiment conducted was to optimise the duration of reflux time required to obtain a good yield of Capsaicin. Results showed that 1hr is sufficient for the extraction of Capsaicin. A variety of chilli peppers and sauces were analysed so as to ascertain the hottest pepper. In general all samples had good detection. Different parts of chillies were also examined to establish which part contains the highest concentration of Capsaicin and Endoc arp was found to be the hottest part. The reproducibility of the method was also investigated and the sample showed to have a low RSD value. 1. Introduction Next to Jazz music, theres nothing that lifts the spirit and strengthens the soul more than a good bowl of chillies. Harry James (Late American musician) Loved by millions for their hot and sizzling flavours, the chilli peppers have become very popular over the period of time and are being grown in almost in all parts of the world, with Asia being the biggest producer of chillies followed by Mexico and the U.S. In traditional Indian medical system, chilli is used as way of stimulating the digestion and is also believed to be a natural pain killer. The red chilli peppers are also a source of potassium, magnesium and iron and vitamin C. 1.1 Why Are They So Hot? The heat sensation in chillies is caused by a class of chemicals, called the Capsaicinoids. These compounds are found in members of the capsicum family of plants. Capsaicinoids themselves belong to a group called Vanilloids i.e. containing the Vanillyl group [] Figure 1.1 [] All Capsaicinoids have same functional groups and differ only in length of hydrocarbon chain. The most common of Capsaicinoids compounds is Capsaicin which is the major constituent of chilli peppers and also responsible for their pungent taste. [3d chem.] 1.2 Structure of Capsaicins: Capsaicin figure 1.2.1 Dihydrocapsaicin figure 1.2.2 Nordihydrocapsaicin figure 1.2.3 Homocapsaicin figure 1.2.4 Homodihydrocapsaicin figure 1.2.5 Out of all the Capsaicins, the capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin are the major constituents of Capsaicinoids (make up 80-90% of capsaicinoids). 1.3 Cis-trans isomerism in Capsaicin [3dchem] Capsaicin can exhibit cis-trans isomerism due to the presence of C=C bond. The double bond prevents the molecule to rotate freely internally, therefore, giving rise to stereo isomers. Cis isomer of the capsaicin is less stable and has higher energy due to steric hindrance. As the methyl groups are in close proximity to each other it causes repulsion between them and hence making it a less stable arrangement due to this added strain. Trans isomer on the contrary has methyl groups further apart and doesnt have any steric hindrance, making it a more stable/low energy arrangement. Therefore, the Capsaicin is always found in the Trans isomer. Figure 1.3.1 [] 1.4 Scoville Scale The scale for measuring the extent of heat in chillies was first invented by an American Chemist Wilbur Lincoln Scoville in 1912. The test he devised is known as the Scoville Organoleptic test in which he had a group of volunteers to taste the chillies on their own and later diluted them with sugar and water until they didnt have any burning sensation left. The resulting dilution factor was called the Scoville heat value of the sample and a number was then assigned to each sample of chilli i.e. Scoville unit, to ascertain the amount of dilution a chilli needs before its hot flavour dies away. [3d.chem] Table 1.4.1 Scoville heat values for Capsaicinoids [] Molecule Strength /Scoville units Capsaicin 16.1 million Dihydrocapsaicin 16.1 million Nordihydrocapsaicin 9.3 million Homocapsaicin 6.9 million Homodihydrocapsaicin 8.1 million The hottest capsaicin found is in the chilli known as Naga Jolokia, grown in India and has Scoville strength of 855,000-105, 0000 units. The Habanero (Mexican chilli) are the runners-up with Scoville rating range of 200,000-300, 0000. As mentioned earlier, in addition to Capsaicins being used as food additives, they have important medicinal benefits and are known as Phytochemicals.[] Due to having pharmaceutical and antioxidant properties, its widely used in anti-flammatory creams and ointments and also used as a counter irritant in surgical dressings and medicines. Moreover, they are also being used in nutritional supplements for pain relief and Arthritis. [] 1.5. Extraction Methods for Capsaicin Different methods have been devised as a way of extracting capsaicin from chilies and sauces. The simplest technique is to dissolve chilies in a polar solvent and placing the mixture on hot plates for half an hour and then filtering the extract via simple/vacuum filtration and making up with Methanol (100 ml). The other techniques more efficient for extraction are as follows: 1.5.1 Solid Phase Extraction or SPE This technique is particularly useful in extracting capsaicin as it requires pre-treating the sample prior to analysis. This reduces the amount of unwanted components that may interfere with the analysis. The extraction is completed in 4 steps: Conditioning the cartridge: This involves activating the cartridge by passing the sample through it to achieve same conditions with in the cartridge (e.g. to achieve same pH, composition etc as the sample). Retention: The sample is applied to the cartridge and either contaminants are retained and analyte is flushed through the cartridge. Other way used is holding the analyte with in the column and the unwanted components are passed through the column. Rinsing: The cartridge is then rinsed with distilled water to wash off the impurities. Elution: The last step is to elute the sample with appropriate solvent and the extract can then be used for analysis. 1.5.2 Reflux As demonstrated in this project, this method involves refluxing the chilies in methanol for appropriate duration. The reflux time required can be optimized by refluxing samples for different durations to establish the optimum time required by the capsaicin to leach. 1.5.3 Ultrasonication This method can be used for extracting the capsaicin from sauces or capsaicin based creams in short time. The samples are soaked in Ethanol and placed in the ultrasonic bath for half an hour at high temperature. The ultrasonic vibrations release the capsaicin from the samples. 1.5.4 Supercritical fluid extraction or SCFE In this method, the extraction solvent used is a super critical fluid. A super critical fluid (SCF) is a compound above its critical temperature and pressure. Therefore, an SCF is neither a liquid nor a gas. Hence, a super critical fluid has properties similar to liquids i.e. dissolving compounds and also gas like properties e.g. transportation. SCFE also minimizes the matrix components. Due to these capabilities, this method is more efficient and quicker than the other extraction methods. Carbon dioxide and water are the most commonly used SCF. This technique has a variety of applications in food, petrol, and pharmaceutical industries. 1.6. Previous research on Capsaicin Capsaicin has been widely studied and researched by various organisations and institutions but insufficient literature has been published with respect to the analysis of chilli peppers and sauces. In this section, three articles will be discussed as all three papers deal with the analysis of chillies and sauces relevant to this project. The first literature ¹ investigated the concentration of Capsaicin and Dihydrocapsaicin in the Habanero peppers using Super Critical Fluid Extraction method (SCFE). In addition to the analysis of Habanero whole peppers, different parts of chilli were also examined for their Capsaicin content. The Habanero peppers were obtained from two different locations: Cunningham Research station and Bailey Farm (located in North Carolina, US). The peppers were cut into seeds and shells and prior to extraction, the samples from Bailey farms were prepared fresh, oven dried and freeze dried and samples from Cunningham station were prepared in oven and freeze dried states. The whole peppers and seeds/shells samples were extracted using three polar solvents i.e. Methanol, Acetone and Acetonitrile. The Method for SCFE is as follows as stated in the literature: Fresh, oven and freeze dried preparations (0.5g dry weight) were extracted using a biomass: solvent loading of 15% (w/v) based on the initial moisture of the pepper samples/parts. Sample and solvent mixtures were homogenised in 50ml conical glass tubes and placed in a shaking water bath (50 °C). The extracts (2ml each) were then filtered and stored at -20 °C until the analysis. The preliminary work suggested that 1hr is sufficient to get good yield of capsaicin. The extracts were then analysed using Reverse-phased HPLC with UV VIS Detector. The HPLC was equilibrated with capsaicin standards (10, 30,50ppm). The mobile phase composition was isocratic at 60:40 (Acetonitrile: Water with acetic acid (pH 3)). The researchers of this project compared the capsaicin and Dihydrocapsaicin concentrations from both locations. The results showed that the Cunningham stations peppers had higher concentration of capsaicin in comparison with the Bailey farms chillies but the Bailey Farms pepper had higher amount of Dihydrocapsaicin than the Cunninghams. The results suggested that samples that were oven dried and extracted with Acetone gave maximum yields of the Capsaicinoids. This literature also suggested that regardless of the solvent type and preparation state used, seed has the highest amount of capsaicin. The researchers suggested the reason for differences in capsaicin concentration was due to different environments the fruits are cultivated e.g. chemicals used, weather conditions etc. The second literature ² deals with the analysis of three Capsaicinoids i.e. levels of capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin and nordihydrocapsaicin in different chillies, sauces and arthritis creams via reverse phased HPLC. This research employed a solvent extraction technique which involved addition of ethanol (extraction solvent) to the samples of ground chillies, sauces and creams and placing the samples on hot plates for 30mins. After cooling and filtration, the extracts were transferred into flasks (100ml) and made up to the mark with Ethanol. 5ml was withdrawn from this sample and filtered again into a syringe filter cartridge (0.45 µm pore size). This aliquot was then used for the analysis. A 1000ppm standard stock solution was used to make standard capsaicin solutions ranging from 1-50ppm and ran through HPLC. The mobile phase in this research was made up of ACN, water and phosphoric acid (0.1%).The UV detector was set at 280nm and 205nm to determine samples responses at different wavelengths. In addition, Isocratic and Gradient elution were used. The findings from this journal suggested that Capsaicinoids present in very little concentrations (e.g. 0.5ppm) were detected better at 205nm wavelength using gradient elution rather than Isocratic method. However, results also indicated that for analysis of Capsaicinoids present in greater concentrations, Isocratic elution and UV wavelength at 280nm. The concentrations of the Capsaicinoids were expressed in terms of the Scoville units and the value calculated for the Habanero peppers (150,000) in this experiment was different to the literature value range (200,000-300,000). The researchers attributed this fact to variations in the environment e.g. weather etc. The third literature ³ determined the capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin content in chilli peppers. The chillies were grounded for 10mins and Acetonitrile (30ml) was added to the crushed peppers and again grounded for 20mins. The solid residue was filtered and an aliquot (1ml) was made up to the mark with Acetonitrile. (in 10 ml flask). The extraction method used in this work was Solid Phase Extraction (SPE): An SPE cartridge was conditioned with Acetonitrile, methanol and water and the capsaicin extract (10ml) was then applied to the cartridge and the analyte was eluted with methanol (4ml) and then again with 1 ml of methanol (containing 1% acetic acid). The analytes were then run through reverse phase HPLC using UV-VIS detector (at 281nm); mobile phase consisted of 77:33 (Methanol: Water). The HPLC was eluted first with the standards so as to obtain the calibration graphs. The Capsaicinoids concentration of different chillies was expressed in Scoville heat units (similar to literature 2). The results showed that Habanero is the hottest amongst all peppers that were analysed i.e. Scoville heat value of 276,000 which corresponded to the literature value range. The least hot pepper was Jalapeno (41,000 Scoville heat units). 1.6.1 Comparison of three papers: The researches have used different techniques to extract the Capsaicinoids i.e. SCFE and SPE. However, the extraction technique used in this project was Reflux (for chillies) and Ultrasonication (for sauces). The extractions were successful and all samples in general were detected which indicates that more than one method can be employed as a way of extracting the Capsaicinoids from chillies and sauces. Various parameters were manipulated as part of method development in literature 2 e.g. Isocratic/gradient elution and different wavelengths. Similarly in Literature 1 three preparation states and three solvents were used to determine what state/solvent gives maximum yield of Capsaicinoids. Literature 1 also suggested that the hottest part with in the chilli is the seeds, however, the findings of this project have shown that the Endocarp contains the highest amount of capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin. This is indicative of the fact that the amount of Capsaicinoids can vary even with in d ifferent parts of chilli. However, all researches discussed as well as this project has used polar solvents to extract the analytes and the analytical technique used was reverse phase HPLC which indicates its usefulness in the capsaicin analysis in particular. Once an analyte of interest has been extracted, it can be analysed by a process called Chromatography. 1.7 Chromatography The word Chromatography originates from Greek; Chroma means colour and graphein implies to write. [Skoog West Analytical Chem 7th Edition page 646] The history of this separative technique dates back to early twentieth century when it was developed by a Russian Botanist Mikhail Tswett in 1903[D kealy Instant notes]. He used this method for separation of various plant pigments and samples were passed through a calcium carbonate column. The separated analytes were identified as they left coloured bands on the column. [Skoog West Ana Chem 7th Page 646]. Since its invention by the Russian Scientist, this method has been modified and developed in many forms to give quantitative (amount of the analyte present) and qualitative analysis (identification of the unknowns) of complex mixtures. [d.Kealey instant notes page 119]. Separation in Chromatography is achieved by passing the sample mixture through the stationary phase by continuous flow of a mobile phase. This process is known as Elution. Hence, the chromatographic separation depends on the differences in the distribution ratios of the sample components between the stationary and mobile phase. Therefore, this capability of an analyte to migrate at different rates in both phases gives separation over a period of time and distance travelled. [D Kealey page 120] Kx= Cs/Cm, where kx is the equilibrium partition coefficient and Cs and Cm are molar concentrations of analyte in mobile and stationary phase. There are two types of Chromatography techniques: Year 2 notes page 25-26 1.7.1 Planar Chromatography In this method, the stationary phase is composed of a flat bed of material which is made up of an adsorbed layer distributed evenly over a sheet of glass, plastic or Aluminum (known as Thin Layer Chromatography or TLC) Paper Chromatography is also another type of Planar Chromatography in which the stationary phase is a sheet of cellulose material. 1.7.2 Column Chromatography In this method, the stationary phase is a glass or metal column on to which the stationary phase is tightly packed onto a column where separation takes place. Examples of Column chromatography are Gas Chromatography, High Performance Liquid Chromatography etc. 1.7.3 Chromatogram The plot of detector response Vs elution time is known as the Chromatogram. [Year 2 notes page 25]. Figure [] 1.7.4 Retention time In the above figure is a typical chromatogram and term tr is the time taken by the analyte to elute the column, known as Retention time. [year 2 notes page 28] 1.7.4 Dead time [d Kealey page 121] Indicated as tm in the fig is referred to the dead time this is defined as the retention time required by the non retained species (i.e. mobile phase molecule) to pass through the column. A good Chromatogram should have well defined peaks having correct shape and symmetry (i.e. Gaussian shape), eluted in reasonable retention time (tr not too long or too short) and should be separated from the extraneous peaks. [Year 2 notes page 29] 1.8 Describing a Chromatogram There are four parameters used in chromatography that evaluate the quality of a chromatogram. These are: 1.8.1 The Capacity Factor, K It is the amount of mobile phase required to elute a particular peak. The K is calculated for the first and the last peak. This factor is particularly useful when establishing the best mobile phase composition in the HPLC. K can be calculated as following: K= (tr-tm)/tm where tr is the retention time and tm is the dead time. A Chromatogram having well separated peaks in good retention time will have K values between 2-8. 1.8.2 The Selectivity Factor, ÃŽÂ ± This is the ability of a system to separate two analytes (A and B) and is calculated by: ÃŽÂ ±= trb tm/ tra- tm, where trb and tra are the retention times of analytes A and B. A system where peaks are clearly separated has a value of ÃŽÂ ± > 1 1.8.3 The Resolution factor, Rs This determines the ability of a system to resolve two peaks that elute very close to each other. And can be calculated by: Rs = 2 (trb-tra)/Wa+ Wb where tra and trb are retention times and Wa and Wb are the peak widths of analyte A and B. The value of Rs > 1.5 for a good quality chromatogram. 1.8.4 The Efficiency Factor [ D kealey page 126-127] When separation takes place in a column, the chromatographic separation can be evaluated by the resolution factor, Rs or the efficiency factor. The efficiency is defined as the number of theoretical plates in a column. This factor evaluates the extent of band broadening of the analyte peaks. Increasing the number of plates and reducing their heights gives better efficiency and vice versa. The plate height can be calculated using: H= L/N where L is the length of the column (in mm usually) and N is the number of plates. The efficiency factor N is calculated by: N= 16 (tr/W) ² for a peak with a good baseline N= 5.54 (tr/W1/2) ² for a peak with a poor baseline and W1/2 is the width at half the maximum height of the peak. (year 2 notes 42-43) 1.8.5 Band Broadening As an analyte passes down a column, the peaks become shorter and broader due to various factors that cause band broadening. The Van Deemter Equation explains the reason for the band broadening: H= A+ (B/u) + Cu where H is the plate height and u is the linear velocity of the mobile phase. Other variables in the equation are explained below: A- Eddy Diffusion: As the mobile phase carries the sample components through the stationary phase, some components pass through the column in a straight line whilst other may that are retained longer by the stationary phase may deviate from the straight path and cause the peaks or bands to be broader. If evenly sized particles are used for packing the stationary phase, then the Eddy diffusion can be minimized. B- Longitudinal Diffusion: If the mobile phase is travelling at low velocities, then the analyte will spend more time in the column as analytes diffuse into the mobile phase. This longitudinal diffusion contributes towards peak broadening and can be minimized by an increasing the flow rate of the mobile phase. The increased velocity will reduce the retention time resulting in decreased effects caused by this phenomenon. [Veronica HPlc page 17-19] C-Mass transfer: As discussed earlier in this section, the separation depends on the ability of the analyte to distribute itself between the stationary and mobile phase. As the mobile phase is constantly flowing, the true equilibrium distribution of the analyte is never established. This leads to increased retention times and thus resulting in peak broadening. [d kealey page 124] 5. High Performance Liquid Chromatography or HPLC HPLC is a form of liquid chromatography which provides both qualitative and quantitative information about complex mixture samples in short time. The stationary phase in this technique is made up of very small fine particles and the sample is forced through the column by mobile phase solvents under high pressure, hence also bearing the name High Pressure Liquid Chromatography. [page 1 Veronica HPLC]. 5.1 Mobile phase in HPLC The main requirement for this technique is that the analyte must be soluble in the mobile phase as the mobile phase carries the sample mixture through the column where separation takes place. Therefore, if the analyte interacts with the mobile strongly, it will elute the column faster, leading to shorter retention times. [page 66 Chromatographic separations]. The mobile phase can either be a single solvent or different solvents combinations may be used. After suitable mobile phase has been chosen, the system can be set at isocratic or gradient conditions. In Isocratic conditions, the chosen ratio of solvents remains constant throughout the analysis e.g. in this project Isocratic mobile phase used for analysis. In contrast, the gradient mobile phase can be changed over the period of time. [Year 2 notes ]. 1.9 Stationary phase in HPLC The stationary phase in HPLC consists of a solid made out of micro porous material packed into the metal column. Silicas or modified Silicas with nonpolar organic groups attached are commonly used as column packing material. Out of all stationary phases used in HPLC, Octadecyl silica known as ODS or C18 is most extensively used due to its ability to separate the analyte components with high, intermediate and low polarities. Other stationary phases used in HPLC are Aminopropyl, Nitile, Sulphonic acid, quaternary Amines etc [d. kealey 159-161] Elution in HPLC is carried out by determining the extent of interactions of the analyte with the stationary and mobile phases. The degree of separation of the sample components depend on their migration rates and distribution ratios in both phases. 1.9.1 Normal and Reverse phase HPLC In normal phase HPLC (adsorption chromatography), the stationary phase is more polar than the mobile phase which is weakly polar. The separations are based on the relative polarities of the sample components. For instance, if species A is more polar than the species B, A will have strong affinity for the stationary phase and will be held in the column longer. This will result in species A having long retention time compared to B. Thus, in normal phase HPLC, least polar analyte elutes first. In Reverse phase HPLC (bonded phase chromatography), the stationary phase in non polar and the mobile phase solvents used are polar. This phase is governed by the hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties of the analytes. Most polar analyte elutes first and vice versa. As Capsaicinoids are relatively non polar, therefore, if the mobile phase polarity in reverse phase is increased then the analyte will have stronger affinity for the stationary phase and therefore will spend more time in the column, leading to long retention times. The mobile phase solvents used in Reverse phase HPLC are water or aqueous buffer with an organic solvent. The use of protons in mobile phase composition improves the peak shape and travels in column quickly. [] 1.9.2 HPLC Instrumentation Figure [] Pump: In HPLC solvent delivery system, the pump is used to deliver the mobile phase solvents to the column under high pressure. Most commonly used pumps are reciprocating pumps. The pumps used should be free of corrosion, must supply an accurate and controlled flow rate and should be pulse free. The HPLC solvents for mobile phase must be degassed to ensure they are pure and free of any contaminants. This is done by passing an inter gas through the solvent reservoir in vacuum degasser. Injector: The sample is injected through syringe into the injector port. The injection system must not interrupt the flow of mobile phase and should deliver sample into the column in small volumes (5-500 µL). Column: Most commonly used HPLC column is 25cm in length, internal diameter of 4-6mm and particle size of 5 µm. 1.9.3 Detectors in HPLC When the sample components elute the column at different rates, they pass through the detector, and the information form the detector is then displayed in the form of a chromatogram. 1.9.4 UV-Vis Detector The detector is set at a specific wavelength which will be absorbed by the analyte. The degree of absorbance of UV radiation by the analyte is proportional to its concentration. (Beer Lambert law) 1.9.5 Diode array Detector or DAD The Diode Array detector is a type of UV Vis Detector [D Kealey page 162]. When the sample reaches the sensor cells, UV radiation is shone on the analyte. The light source mostly used is a Deuterium lamp. After light passes through the cell, its dispersed onto the photosensitive diodes via diffraction grating or quartz prism. Every diode in the array detects different wavelengths. The measure of differences in extent of absorbance at different wavelengths by the sample components results in their identification and also gives information about the concentration of the analytes. [] Other detectors used in HPLC are Fluorescence, refractive index, electrochemical detectors etc. [d Kealey 163-165] Figure Experimental Method This project was performed in four different experiments. In all experiments, the methods for extracting the capsaicin from chilli peppers and sauces were the same i.e. reflux and Ultrasonication. However, different masses of chilli peppers, their individual parts were used and solvent volumes were taken in these experiments. (see results) 2.1.1 Preparation of chilli samples and extraction Several chillies were cut into small pieces and weighed into a 250 mL round bottom flasks. Ethanol (75 ml) was then added to chillies. A condenser (fitted with rubber tubing to the water tap) was fixed to the round bottom flask and solution was placed on isomantle (set at 80 °C) and refluxed in fume cupboard. After cooling off, extract was filtered into 100ml flask and made up to the mark with ethanol. A 5ml aliquot was withdrawn into 1.8ml sample vial using a 0.45 µm syringe filter. These aliquots were then analysed through HPLC. 2.1.2 Preparation of chilli sauces and extraction The hot sauces were prepared by dilution of sauce (2g) with ethanol (15ml) in beakers and solutions were places in ultrasonic bath (set at 60 °C) for 30 minutes. The extracts were filtered in the same way as chillies i.e. using 0.45 µl syringe and transferred to 20ml volumetric flasks and bringing up to the mark with methanol. The equipment used was white tiles, knife, weighing boat and weighing scale. 2.1.3 Preparation of glassware In analytical experiments, its of prime importance to ensure the glassware used is clean. Therefore, the glassware used in this project was washed first with deionised water and then with the solvents used. 2.1.4 Preparation of standards for Calibration The standard solutions were prepared from 200ppm stock solution directly into sample vials. Eppendorf pipette was used for accuracy and 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 ppm standards were made with HPLC standard Methanol. Concentration/ppm Volume of 200ppm Capsaicin/ ÃŽÂ ¼L Volume of methanol/ÃŽÂ ¼L 0 0 1000 20 100 900 40 200 800 60 300 700 80 400 600 100 500 500 2.2 HPLC The HPLC used in the laboratory was Agilent 1100 Series Column- ODS hypersil UV VIS Detector- G1315B Diode array detector (set at 280nm) Flow rate- 1.3 ml/min Windows XP CPU Mobile phase- Isocratic at 65:35 Acetonitrile (2% acetic acid): water Particle size- 5 µm, Column dimension- 250mm x 4.6mm 2.3 Determining ÃŽÂ »max for UV- Vis detector The ÃŽÂ »max for the detector was determined by placing methanol blank in UV spectrometer (Perkin Elmer with lambda 40) to calibrate it. After calibration, a 100ppm capsaicin standard was placed in the spectrometer and a graph was obtained with the optimum wavelength (see Appendix 1). This was 280.40nm and the HPLC detector was set at this wavelength. 2.4 Determining optimum mobile phase composition (see Appendix 2) The mobile phase was altered to different ratios to establish what ratio gives the best separation and reasonable retention times (less than 7 minutes). The 80:20 ratio (MeCn: water) gave shorter retention time but the peaks were eluted closer to each other. The 70:30 ratio showed good retention time but peaks were still closer to each other. 50:50 ratio gave long retention time and 60:40 ratio gave good separation but retention time was longer. Therefore ratio of 65:35 was used as this gave the best retention time and separati

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Effective Coaching Essay -- GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

Effective Coaching Coaching is a very complex and demanding profession. It requires many technical and personal skills (Chamber, D., 1997). All coaches have their own style of teaching. There is no right or wrong method of coaching. Nevertheless, the coach’s philosophy determines his or her coaching aims and objectives, while having a huge influence on the athletes and it’s surrounding environment. This report enabled me to observe a very fine coach. I am honoured to have given the opportunity to observe Winchester public school boys’ senior basketball team coach Tom Liu during their basketball season. Coach Liu is knowledgeable about the sport he coaches and about the development of his athletes. His qualifications include NCCP level 1: volleyball, basketball, special Olympic (technical) and NCCP level 2 Theory. After observing several basketball practices and one basketball game, I’ve come to conclude coach Liu is a well respected and a good role model for his players. He provides challenging and enjoyable practice sessions. During the practices, he is able to communicate well with the athletes. He is constantly asking for the athletes’ suggestions on how to improve their strategy as a team and what the athletes feel they should work on. This allows the athletes to be involved and to develop their thinking habits. Coach Liu also provides good c orrective instructions where he would pull the athlete aside and correct their mistakes either by a... Effective Coaching Essay -- GCSE Business Marketing Coursework Effective Coaching Coaching is a very complex and demanding profession. It requires many technical and personal skills (Chamber, D., 1997). All coaches have their own style of teaching. There is no right or wrong method of coaching. Nevertheless, the coach’s philosophy determines his or her coaching aims and objectives, while having a huge influence on the athletes and it’s surrounding environment. This report enabled me to observe a very fine coach. I am honoured to have given the opportunity to observe Winchester public school boys’ senior basketball team coach Tom Liu during their basketball season. Coach Liu is knowledgeable about the sport he coaches and about the development of his athletes. His qualifications include NCCP level 1: volleyball, basketball, special Olympic (technical) and NCCP level 2 Theory. After observing several basketball practices and one basketball game, I’ve come to conclude coach Liu is a well respected and a good role model for his players. He provides challenging and enjoyable practice sessions. During the practices, he is able to communicate well with the athletes. He is constantly asking for the athletes’ suggestions on how to improve their strategy as a team and what the athletes feel they should work on. This allows the athletes to be involved and to develop their thinking habits. Coach Liu also provides good c orrective instructions where he would pull the athlete aside and correct their mistakes either by a...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Arnold Schoenbergs Musical Influence Essay -- Arnold Schoenberg Music

Arnold Schoenberg's Musical Influence Arnold Schoenberg was one of the greatest musical influences of the mid 20th Century. He was born on September 13, 1874, to a Jewish family in Vienna, Austria (Schoenberg 1). Schoenberg was a young Jewish man during World War I (WWI) living in Berlin. He was directly affected by the invasion of the Nazis. In 1933, he had to leave Berlin and desert his faith for Lutheranism later on taking on the faith of Judaism. At the early age of eight, he began violin lessons and almost immediately started composing music (Schoenberg 1). He was self-taught until the age of 10 when he began formal training (Schoenberg 1). He earned a living by orchestrating operettas, directing a cabaret orchestra, and teaching. Schoenberg influenced the music and art of the western culture in numerous ways. Some of the most successful composers were his students. These students were molded by Schoenberg and directly absorbed his knowledge and style. Schoenberg created different rhythms and tunes that were passed along to his students and other composers. He was able to catch the attention of a multitude through his writings, music, paintings, and post cards. This variety of talent gathered a larger audience and catered to their needs. Being that Schoenberg often traveled and taught at his destination, he was well known throughout the world and influenced many. Schoenberg taught over thousands of students within a fifty-year period including Austrian composers Anton Webern and Alban Berg (Bailey 2). Schoenberg did not view teaching as a job but rather as an inspirational motivation tool. He said: â€Å"I must confess that I was a passionate teacher, and the satisfaction of giving to beginners as much as possible of my own knowledge was probably a greater reward that the actual fee I received (Simms 1).† His passion was passed down to his students encouraging a musical revolution. The more he taught, the more lives he influenced. Students serve as a great preservation of history and culture. They take what they have learned, add their style to it, and it starts the domino effect from there. It is obvious that Schoenberg regarded teaching as more than a job but a way to influence and enhance culture. He felt that he didn’t gain from what he was taught unless he had already discovered it. Schoenberg created a twelve-tone method and many rhythms and tu... ...eavy Metal, Country, and Broadway are based on the concepts of temperament and tonality defined by Schoenberg. He created a twelve-tone method and many wonderful rhythms and tunes. His greatest joy in life was to teach. He wanted to influence students to take chances and to have their own musical styles. He was never afraid to show his own styles and expressions to the world. Works Cited Arnold Schoenberg Center: The Portrait of a Century at Arnold Schoenberg – Born: September 13, 1874 Vienna/ Died: July 13, 1951 Los Angeles, California at Arnold Schoenberg - The American Works at Arnold Schoenberg: (1874-1951) at Arnold Schoenberg Center: Schoenberg as a Teacher Bailey, Walter B. The Arnold Schoenberg Companion. Greenwood Press, 1998 Simms, Bryan R. The Atonal Music of Arnold Schoenberg, 1908-1923. Oxford US, 2000 Journal of the Arnold Schoenberg Institute IX/1 June 1986. Arnold Schoenberg's Musical Influence Essay -- Arnold Schoenberg Music Arnold Schoenberg's Musical Influence Arnold Schoenberg was one of the greatest musical influences of the mid 20th Century. He was born on September 13, 1874, to a Jewish family in Vienna, Austria (Schoenberg 1). Schoenberg was a young Jewish man during World War I (WWI) living in Berlin. He was directly affected by the invasion of the Nazis. In 1933, he had to leave Berlin and desert his faith for Lutheranism later on taking on the faith of Judaism. At the early age of eight, he began violin lessons and almost immediately started composing music (Schoenberg 1). He was self-taught until the age of 10 when he began formal training (Schoenberg 1). He earned a living by orchestrating operettas, directing a cabaret orchestra, and teaching. Schoenberg influenced the music and art of the western culture in numerous ways. Some of the most successful composers were his students. These students were molded by Schoenberg and directly absorbed his knowledge and style. Schoenberg created different rhythms and tunes that were passed along to his students and other composers. He was able to catch the attention of a multitude through his writings, music, paintings, and post cards. This variety of talent gathered a larger audience and catered to their needs. Being that Schoenberg often traveled and taught at his destination, he was well known throughout the world and influenced many. Schoenberg taught over thousands of students within a fifty-year period including Austrian composers Anton Webern and Alban Berg (Bailey 2). Schoenberg did not view teaching as a job but rather as an inspirational motivation tool. He said: â€Å"I must confess that I was a passionate teacher, and the satisfaction of giving to beginners as much as possible of my own knowledge was probably a greater reward that the actual fee I received (Simms 1).† His passion was passed down to his students encouraging a musical revolution. The more he taught, the more lives he influenced. Students serve as a great preservation of history and culture. They take what they have learned, add their style to it, and it starts the domino effect from there. It is obvious that Schoenberg regarded teaching as more than a job but a way to influence and enhance culture. He felt that he didn’t gain from what he was taught unless he had already discovered it. Schoenberg created a twelve-tone method and many rhythms and tu... ...eavy Metal, Country, and Broadway are based on the concepts of temperament and tonality defined by Schoenberg. He created a twelve-tone method and many wonderful rhythms and tunes. His greatest joy in life was to teach. He wanted to influence students to take chances and to have their own musical styles. He was never afraid to show his own styles and expressions to the world. Works Cited Arnold Schoenberg Center: The Portrait of a Century at Arnold Schoenberg – Born: September 13, 1874 Vienna/ Died: July 13, 1951 Los Angeles, California at Arnold Schoenberg - The American Works at Arnold Schoenberg: (1874-1951) at Arnold Schoenberg Center: Schoenberg as a Teacher Bailey, Walter B. The Arnold Schoenberg Companion. Greenwood Press, 1998 Simms, Bryan R. The Atonal Music of Arnold Schoenberg, 1908-1923. Oxford US, 2000 Journal of the Arnold Schoenberg Institute IX/1 June 1986.

Ephedra (Ma Huang) :: Botany

Ephedra (Ma Huang) Ephedras species are an evergreen shrub, native to North China and Inner Mongolia. It's yellow/green branching shrub growing to an average of 20 inches (50cm) with long narrow, sprawling stems and tiny leaves, can be found in desert or arid regions throughout the world. Its color can be green, gray, or red, depending on the species. The plant has small greenish yellow flowers and tiny nodes (joints) on the stalks (2). Ephedra is propagated from seed or by root division in autumn and demands well drained soil. It usually grows on dry, rocky or sandy slopes, and loves full sun. It matures very slowly and is very challenging to grow (1). General Information Ephedra (common name) comes from the family Ephedraceae. It has several scientific names that depend upon the plants founding location; Ephedra major (American), Ephedra trifurca (American), Ephedra nevadensis (American) are found in North America; and Ephedra sinica (Chinese- Ma Huang) is found in Asia. Other varieties of Ephedra can be found in Europe, India, and Pakistan. Ephedra was initially found in a Neolithic grave in the Middle East. This evidence may indicate that Ephedra was used as a medicine more than 60,000 year ago. In China, Ephedra was the first herbal remedy to yield an active constituent, in this case ephedrine. The first isolation of ephedrine was in 1887, by a Japanese chemist, N. Nagai (2,5). Folk and Historic Traditions The Zen Monks used Ephedra to encourage calm concentration during meditation. According to a legend, a tea containing Ephedra was given to the bodyguards of Genguis Khan, to keep them from falling asleep on sentry duty. Mormon Tea, one of Ephedra's folk names, stems from the use of the tea by Mormons; it was used as a replacement stimulant for the coffee and black tea the Mormons couldn't drink. In the 1800's Ephedra tea was served in Brothels, claiming to cure gonorrhea and syphilis. Ephedra tea today is not used as a cure; it will not cure these STD's (2). Medicinal Values The Medicinal use of Ephedra in China dates from approximately 2800B.C. In 1923 the practitioners of Western Medicine began their interest in Ephedra. Soon after, ephedrine became widely used as a nasal decongestant, a central nervous system stimulant, and a treatment for asthma in America. The isolated alkaloid originally obtained from Ephedra species, have been used in a substantial amount of prescription drugs and over-the-counter decongestants and allergy medications (2,4).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Personal Response- Forrest Gump (Film) Essay

This film follows the life of Forest Gump who struggles to live outside the barriers that society has given him. Forrest is a little ‘slow’; although his mental impairment doesn’t seem to bother him. In fact, the naivetà © that comes from his limited understanding of the world around him gives Forrest a uniquely positive perspective of life. Forest overcomes the challenges in his life, becoming a star football player, a war hero, a successful businessman, and something of a pop icon. Through it all, however, there is one defining element in his life: his love for Jenny. She is never far from his thoughts, no matter what he’s doing or where he is. I believe the director uses the character Forrest Gump to convey the thought that most people are too smart for their own good; he uses Forrest in order to show the audience that escaping from the realities and actualities of the world can have positive outcomes throughout life. While other characters in the film struggle with conflicts in society, Forrest remains unaware of them; this allows him to live in the moment. Forrest goes out of his way to do what is right, as opposed to what is easy, I believe that this movie asks me to look at the imperfections within myself and calls me to become a more selfless person. I highly recommend this film to year 12 students, Forrest has an ability to truly humble another human being, and his optimism, freshness, and emotional honesty are just a few qualities that he teaches us throughout the film. The movie does not seek to reduce every member of the audience to tears; it does however have moments where the true power of message comes from the simplest of things. For example, Forrest says to anyone that will listen, â€Å"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.† Through this quote we see that Forest is able and  willing to go through life taking every opportunity given to him, I believe the way he sees the world is incredibly unique and that I have benefited from seeing his views of life, in many ways this f ilm has changed my perspective of life and I believe that year 12’s will find this film highly enjoyable and beneficial. I believe an aspect that makes this film beneficial for all year 12 students is that it addresses the perspectives of war. The movie shows the different perspectives of the Vietnamese war, in scenes we see thousands of protesters protesting and in the very next frames we see supporters rallying together and congratulating the returned men. This contrast is highly refreshing, it is not common in movies to show multiple perspectives on war; however the film Forrest Gump manages to show the audience three perspectives. During the 60s and 70s, no topic was of higher debate than that of the Vietnam War and those who were sent overseas to fight. Forrest, as might be expected, has a singular viewpoint on his time spent in Vietnam, he narrated during the film saying, â€Å"We took long walks and were always looking for this guy named Charlie.† In Forrest’s observation of the war we see that although he was fighting willingly, he did not know why or what he was fighting for. I believe that this is the underlying message that the Director is trying to portray, on one side of the line there are those for the War, on the other are those against it and in the middle is Forrest Gump. In many ways Forrest teaches us about governments exploiting its citizens, he was sent to a place where he may have died and yet he did not understand why he was there to begin with, however he did enlist himself for the war. I struggle with the double meanings throughout the movie, we see the positives and the negatives of war through the death of Forrest’s best friend, Bubba, and the medal Forrest receives for saving Lt. Dan. In the end I’m left just as confused about the war as Forrest Gump is about life. I challenge year 12’s to watch this movie, keeping in mind that everything Forrest says means something deeper than the definition of each word that leaves his mouth. I believe that the character Forrest Gump teaches me to treasure the moments in my life and to understand why I’m doing what I’m doing. Especially in scenarios that can affect other people. He is some sort of inspiration to me; this is however not in the usual context. He inspires me to never enter situations  where I do not fully comprehend nor understand the consequences of my actions, he inspires me to never let someone take advantage of me and he inspires me to just simply, be me. Throughout the entire film we see Forest Gump’s tragic life; nearly everyone he holds most dear to him dies. Life can be brutal at times, I found myself crying during the moments when Forrest’s life seemed painfully hard. In some ways I could see that with every loved one that he’d lost a part of him had died with them. I can understand this feeling as my best friend’s father passed away only three years ago this month. As she is growing up, she is realising the disadvantages of not having him with her, knowing that he is not there to teach her how to drive or help her get her first job. I see her pain and I know that there is nothing I can do to stop it, I am powerless. I believe that there is finality in death, however in this film Forrest teaches the audience that a part of us may die with a loved one, but that doesn’t stop life from coming back to us. The underlying message that Forrest has to offer on the subject of death is that you should nev er let heart-break or tragedies take over your life. Forrest accepts that dying is inevitable, â€Å"Momma always said dying was a part of life,† he says. â€Å"I sure wish it wasn’t.† Death occurs not only in Forrest’s personal life, but also in the larger community. This film has a historical setting and we see the main events of the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s through the eyes of Forrest. In this era, death of high valued people within America rocked the foundations of its society; numerous assassinations took place including JFK, RFK and John Lennon. Forrest struggles with the necessity of death as he watches those he loves fall to illness and war and those he admires fall to random attack. During this time the death of Martin Luther King Jr. created the greatest conflict within society and he is still remembered to day for his fight against racism and war. The King family and others believe that the assassination was carried out by a conspiracy involving the US government and that James Ear l Ray was a scapegoat. At the time the thought of this alone was enough to spark a civil war within America, although this was avoided by Senator RFK, who spoke to a crowd directly after being informed of Martin L. King’s passing. In his speech he said, â€Å"I had a member of my family killed, but he was killed by a white man.† RFK’s attempts at avoiding  severe rioting based on race was only semi successful, however his speech is widely considered one of the greatest speeches in American history. King was a beloved leader in the civil rights movement, and also an advocate for nonviolence. His death led some people to feel angry and disillusioned; from his death they began to believe that the only effective resistance to racism is violence. King was used as a martyr, however his cause for non-violence was ignored and he was used as a reason for blacks to shed blood. Dying is a part of life, only two months after RFK said his speech he too was assassinated, this shows that it does not matter who you are or if you are ready to die because in the end death will come for you when your least expecting it . I don’t expect to die anytime soon. But Forrest’s life teaches me that it could happen this moment, while I am writing. Steve Jobs once said â€Å"No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life’s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new.† I believe this quote shows that death is inevitable, in the end we all die, we may try to avoid death but it will always come for us one day, it may be tomorrow, it may be in fifty years from now, but it’s coming for us all.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Friedrich Nietzsche Philosophy Essay

Friedrich Willhelm Nietzsche, a German Philosopher of the mid 1800s was born(p) 1844 and died after a long medical checkup condition that was thoroughly investigated bargonly with no found result in 1900. Nietzsche is to a greater extent or less ren proclaimed for ch all toldenging the incorrupt wiz of Christianity in the later(a) 1800s patron ripen having grown up with a ambit and family history of Lutheran ministers where his Father, Uncles and Grandfathers were all Ministers. This philosopher was the virtually egressspoken on topics much(prenominal)(prenominal) as designer, pain, civilisation and moralistic acts, and from that has bendd some of the closely comm hardly know philosophers we know of at once such as Sigmund Freud. Nietzsche visual modalityed barbarous or immoral acts as self-consciousness, free lead and either/or bipolar mentation (Curry, B. (2008). The Perspectives of Nietzsche. Retrieved from http// Nietzs che believed that Evil is within and qualified upon the de endpointinants that bushel ones moral perception.Nietzsche understand on evil came from a really lusty mental capacity on his macrocosm, on culture and of rights and granting immunitys. Nietzsche pull it quite plainly when he verbalizeSome moralities are more competent for subordinate roles some are more appropriate for dominating and leading affectionate roles. What counts as a preferable and licit action depends upon the kind of person one is. The deciding factor is whether one is weaker, sicker and on the decline, or whether one is wellnessier, more advocateful and overflowing with vivification (Brandhorst, M. (2010). Naturalism and the family tree of example Institutions journal of Nietzsche Studies. riposte 40, p 5-28, 16p). Nietzsche fussyly critiqued Christian and Kantian morality, connect to these 2 moral components of which express ethnical out casting of freedom of lecture and innate(p) free will. i. Presupposes three particular descriptive claims about the nature of humankind agents pertaining (connecting) to free will, the transparency of the self, and the essential simile of all people (the Descriptive destiny) and/orii. Embraces norms that harm the highest men patch benefitting the lowest (the Normative Component) In this Nietzsche is explaining that (1) Hold agents responsible for their actions (2) Evaluate and rank the motives for which agents act (Brandhorst, M. (2010). Naturalism and the Genealogy of object lesson Institutions Journal of Nietzsche Studies. lie with 40, p 5-28, 16p). These views friend support and defend Nietzsches logics on moral and psychological action these specific opinions and views actd one of the about far-famed Psychologists, Sigmund Freud. In Nietzsches first historical belles-lettres during the early 1870s he was exactly a student studying and exploring philosophic logic and legislations of his time. With an opinionated and different scene of immoral acts than the culture sur plump outing him he took initiative in making his own finales of what was right and what was wrong.In his first publish writings The bear of Tragedy (1872) it showed his advocating view for cultural grimness though it was late put down by separate scholars historied for sharing Christian ground opinions of that era, Nietzsche continued to express his abrasive view against unethical stringent laws (Robertson, S. (2009). Nietzsches respectable reassessment Journal of Nietzsche Studies discommode 37, pp 66-90). This philosopher indulged himself in cultural distress, interacting with music, nature, sciences and exploration of other cultures and religions. Nietzsche return acted with the prevail Human, All-Too-Human (1878) (Robertson, S. (2009). Nietzsches Ethical Revaluation Journal of Nietzsche Studies Issue 37, pp 66-90) that gave him a promise and fur in that locationd his career, this book touched on health and t he mood of hedonistic ideas in regards to delight and pain relevance amongst cultural and physiological phenomena.Nietzsche is a naturalist expanding on views associate to animals, earth, air, wind, fire, body touching on disordered ideas of, especially, the Christian found religion. Nietzsche was very passionate and outspoken towards Christianity however that was not his only passionate topic. The power behind Germ whatsoever in the late 1860s due to wars preceding and present were a huge mildew for him as the shift of legislations due to vernal authority was erratically changing Germany, most notably, Politically, Economically and Culturally (Osborn, R. E. (2010). nihilistic delusions scruples On Nietzsches government of gentle Radicalism. new-fangled age Vol. 52 Issue 4, p 293-308).Therefore the idea that Germany could be altered so rapidly not only enraged Friedrich Nietzsche but empowered him in his righteousness as an open minded scholar and as the next generatio n of Germany. This shift in Germanys governmental system greatly affected Nietzsches era, and as a passionate advocate for freedom in culture Nietzsche mat up compelled to declare out against the evil of which was the becoming of Germany. In expiration Nietzsche views on evil were that to fork over unwholesome moral or to act in an evil way, it is an act of conscious natural behavior. He believed that Evil is within and dependant upon the determinants that affect ones moral perception.Friedrich Nietzsche was in his hot flash during the change of an era in Germanys political, societal and religious systems and was compelled to stand for what he believed in. It is extremely interesting that during the early 1870s the new King Otto von von Bismarck introduced healthcare, sociable security and a rise in socialism to promote the economic deficit and reduce potential hierarchy, however advocated anti-socialist laws (Palante, G. (2009, June 1st). historic Philosophical Forum. Vol. 40 Issue 2 p265-273, 8p). The anti socialist laws were created to shift the power of the genial Democratic Party (SDP) which stood for well-mannered and Political rights in an open beau monde.Bismarck also reduced the affiliations and influence of the political system on Catholics making universality a growing religion that was originally the early 1870s mostly Christian based. This seems to have been a huge influence on Nietzsche as his first book, The Birth of Tragedy (1872) was based upon open society and cultural adversity. This history of Germany is so punishing due to the shift in power of the church, beginning at the attempt to abide the SDP after they had just begun in 1875 in the German Parliament as a Christian based society outright shifting the change from Christian to universality (Palante, G. (2009, June 1st). diachronic Philosophical Forum.Vol. 40 Issue 2 p265-273, 8p) this provoked outrage as this meant less freedom of weft for citizens. Although Friedrich Nietzsche farther from advocated Christianity, the shift of religion affected him as this meant a cultural change amongst his peers. It greatly fuelled further writings based upon unspoilt questions surrounding concepts that drain lifes energies. These strong views are now known as Nietzschean affirmation expanding on Nietzsche profound writing based around existential philosophy Friedrich Nietzsche along with Sren Kierkegaard (18131855) were the two philosophers renowned for doing so in the late 1800s (Palante, G. (2009, June 1st). Historical Philosophical Forum. Vol. 40 Issue 2 p265-273, 8p).Existentialism is a term used by philosophical thinkers expressing that ones life affirmation, ones existence is determined by ones self. contempt lifes distractions and obstacles it is ones choice to expire passionately, with sincere moral integrity as best as possible. This further supports how Nietzsches opposing thoughts towards empiricism of which means ones moral integrity is deriv ed from senses and experience, however socially paramount those views might have been by Germany, Nietzsche fluid profoundly opposed them.In books such as Daybreak Reflections on moral Prejudices, 1881 (Morgenrte. Gedanken ber die moralischen Vorurteile) (Osborn, R. E. (2010). Nihilisms Conscience On Nietzsches governing of Aristocratic Radicalism. Modern age Vol. 52 Issue 4, p 293-308), Nietzsches most memorable, clearest, and indicate pots, expressing many social-psychological insights and cultural relativity victimization Christian Based moral evaluations as reflections on near and evil. There were some(prenominal) books to follow Daybreak in the late 1880s, Thus Spoke Zarathustra (188385) and Ecce Homo (1888) this volume show the deepest of understanding power, humans and moral behaviors. Friedrich Nietzsches crusade against morality had begun and he followed up with The Gay Science (Die frhliche Wissenschaft, 1882) (Osborn, R. E. (2010).Nihilisms Conscience On Nietzsche s Politics of Aristocratic Radicalism. Modern age Vol. 52 Issue 4, p 293-308) a book in which Nietzsche becomes famous for his existential ideas pertaining the existence of life. In this book I believe Nietzsche was encouraging the citizens of Germany to speak out against the injustice towards freedom and lack of moral integrity that the German political system was advocating. As Nietzsches world changed around him he felt more and more compelled to change it, standing by his own philosophical views and taking his life into his hands becoming a martyr for the freedom of speech and cultural adversity that he so dearly believed in. Nietzsche felt very patiently towards open culture as well as freedom and this era of Germany was a huge influence on his work as it was a signifi usher outt shift in decisions launch by the new acclaimed authority.The Battle of bully and evil is a constant in a world with no equilibrize and a constant struggle of power. Friedrich Nietzsche so profound ly advocated freedom and cultural adversity, in which has inspired leading figures in all walks of cultural life, including dancers, poets, novelists, painters, psychologists, philosophers, sociologists and social revolutionaries however in that respect is evermore a power running(a) against that and thus the problems that were his era are hitherto amongst us. Until people accept others and are uncoerced to live with respect to cultural adversity then there will always be evil immoral versus good moral. Throughout the history of any reign there is a constant fighting for power, beliefs and cultural relativity. Friedrich Nietzsche stood for freedom of choice and by his passionate writings did so very well however as Nietzsche has expressed so dearly it is within ones choice to act with moral integrity based upon there perception of good and evil.These are the choices that affect us daily and round us as individuals personally I have faced immoral decisions and it is in those m oments, that you do not always gather at once, the affect that decision can have on another. In sympathy with Friedrich Nietzsche, to recognize and feel remorse in your conscious or subconscious decision is what differentiates good and evil. For instance, contemporarily when you are in a delicate discussion of religion amongst peers of assorted cultural understate I have to think open-mindedly with conscious acceptance to the reason out behind cultural and religious background before making a faultfinding(prenominal) statement.As well as Politics in Canada is directed for different classifys of people, as politics usually is, so right off there is a divide in Canadas cultural, ethnic, and working class because it is in the current political power to cherish Canadas Economic, Environmental or Social well-being. There is no balance and I believe without balance in a person, country or cultural group there cannot be a sustainable approach to good and evil there is always a stre tch for that much more power on any side, affecting moral.ReferencesBrandhorst, M. (2010). Naturalism and the Genealogy of Moral Institutions Journal of Nietzsche Studies. Issue 40, p 5-28, 16p. Curry, B. (2008). The Perspectives of Nietzsche. Retrieved from http// Osborn, R. E. (2010). Nihilisms Conscience On Nietzsches Politics of Aristocratic Radicalism. Modern age Vol. 52 Issue 4, p 293-308. Palante, G. (2009, June 1st).Historical Philosophical Forum. Vol. 40 Issue 2 p265-273, 8p. Robertson, S. (2009). Nietzsches Ethical Revaluation Journal of Nietzsche Studies Issue 37, pp 66-90.